Tag Archives: herbal infusion

A Moment Shared from Germany

Tea can bring people together, even if they are worlds apart. So, imagine my delight to hear from our drawing winner, Abadia, from Germany! She received her package with samples of all six award winning teas and sent me this lovely review of Andes Breeze:

Enjoying an Andes Breeze on the other side of the world!

Dear Jen,

I tasted it!  And it was really lovely.

An herbal infusion perfect for me: not too fruity but refreshing enough and at the same time “warm”.
Spicy but gentle.  Stimulating (good for an afternoon with a good book!) and due to the lack of caffeine very adequate for late evenings too!

Have a nice weekend,


I wholeheartedly agree! Thanks for your lovely review, and I look forward to hearing of even more moments from all of you!

And remember you can still take advantage of the 10% off discount code at http://www.myteashelf.com when you enter the code TEAMOMENT at check out.


Filed under Tea, Travel

A Breeze from the Andes

Suitcases waiting to be packed. Conference calls to initiate. Laundry to start… and then fold… and then transport upstairs. Articles to write. The last of the Christmas cards to be dropped in the mail. And work. The last day of work.

The surprise packet in the mail. A gift. A reinvigorating blend. Andes Breeze. Even the name breathes life into my slowly waking mind and body. I inhale a zephyr of spearmint, chamomile (not too weedy), is that lemon? And what else… apples maybe.  Something sweet. The first sip.

This golden infusion delivers a new burst of energy. My eyes are open now. My senses enlivened. Cinnamon. A finish with just a hint of sweetness – but not sugary sweet. Freshly sweet.

I think you have something here, My Tea Shelf. And I thank you!

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Filed under Tea, Tea Blending