A Trimming the Tree Moment

Each year, we go back to Boise to enjoy Christmas with both our families. It’s great to go and see everyone and remember what ‘winter’ is actually like. On the other hand, it’s always a conundrum of what to do at home regarding holiday decor. After a couple of experiments with live Christmas trees, we had to realize that a fake was the way to go so that we didn’t have to be worried about a fire hazard developing while we were away for varying periods of time. In addition, we lived in apartments for many years, so there wasn’t a lot of room for a tree. In the end, we bought a 2 1/2 foot table top fake tree. Our bin of holiday decorations is larger than the tree itself.  And even though we now live in our own house, this tree has become a part of our Christmas experience.

Though small in stature, it is huge in sentimentality and spirit. I take great pleasure in choosing which set of decorations will trim it each year. The Christmas tunes are put on, the bin of decorations is hauled in from the garage, and I brew myself a cup of tea – something to stimulate the senses and stoke the creative fires.

This year, I am indulging in Thé des Esprits from American Tea Room.  Though not promoted as a holiday blend, it is infused with cinnamon, orange peels, bits of apple, almonds, vanilla bean, coriander, ginger, pistachios and pink peppercorns. So many flavors and scents of this season.

The joy of the season is multiplied this year as Edie is struck in wonderment again and again with our Christmas tree, the lights adorning the neighboring homes, Santa Claus and more.

‘Tis the season to be jolly!


Filed under Tea

4 responses to “A Trimming the Tree Moment

  1. Lisa

    Sound Delish! I wish I was a Tea drinker! I think that it is time for an intervention! It runs in the blood! Maybe I am a milke man baby! :O)

    • Jen

      Ha! We’ll turn you to the dark side one of these days! Either that, or you’ll have us all sipping coffee before we know it, and you’ll get to have the last laugh!

  2. Sounds marvelous, right up my tea pot!

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